Update to 0.3.0

Exploit: Zero Day has been updated to version 0.3.0. This is part of the Alpha Zero phase.

This version includes an update for Phaser, the HTML5 library we use. Because of this, we would sure appreciate a once-over of the system editing and play functionality. A new plot-related cluster will appear soon to give you a bit of incentive.


  • We added speed adjustment functionality to system player. You can now customize your gameplay speed on your profile page.
  • We fixed a matrix system editor crash when resizing after testing and returning to editing.
  • We upgraded Phaser version to 2.2.2, fixing an issue with dragging resize handles off of the edge of the system editor (and improving performance).
  • We switched to a minimized version of the Phaser JS file, reducing system player weight by 1.5 MB.
  • We made navigation appear on landing page for authenticated users.
  • We removed extra console log messages for system player.

There’s been another patch update, bringing Exploit: Zero Day to 0.3.1.


  • We made the error popup for system and solution saving display a more useful message.
  • The system page should no longer refresh when saving a solution encounters an error.
  • You should now be able to submit matrix systems that begin with a flipflop flipped.

The systems we’ve been working on have been a treasure trove of bug discovery! Exploit: Zero Day is now at 0.3.2.


  • Matrix system validation now properly handles non-square systems

Exploit: Zero Day is now at version 0.3.3.


  • Matrix system validation now properly handles systems with more than 36 nodes

I can confirm that player speed changes work. In Firefox animation is not always smooth (it seems to “skip”) every now and then. Not tested in other browsers.

We’ve got some shaky binding between the player model and the player view; it would look like a slight tremble or twitchiness that’s consistently present throughout the simulation. Is that what you’re seeing, or are you seeing occasional intermittent hitches and lag?

I’m seeing intermittent hitches and lag, and then a bunch of sounds all triggered nearly simultaneously as the state of the packet propagates through where it probably should have been (sometimes it feels wrong, but my bet is that is just a psychological issue). I can’t recreate it at full speed (currently running at “slowest possible” speed.

Also, even if the view isn’t updated, the model appears to be correct: packets continue past obstacles that have been removed but are still “active.”