Scryp Liberation Targets

New home clusters established:

Going to assist in updating this.

Note: In a few days, I will be changing my home cluster, and posting it here. I might cycle though my own clusters, and I plan on making two or three more for this purpose.

New update!


4 New Clusters!

Scryp reward increase in @dots’s cluster!

Due to the limits of forum technology (I can only @ 10 people in a single post), I will instead list the names here and you can use the find function on your browser to find them in the top post. Clusters that have undergone major change/new clusters will be @'d

@Trabantt (New!)
@Code3907157 (New!)
@Jackeea (New!)
@Calabo (New!)

Edit: @Code3907157 is continuously updating cluster, check back often

What can I say? I love designing and breaking into systems. The more scryp I can get means the more systems I can maintain.

I have redesignated my home cluster and will probably keep it there until the end of the month. Go get some new scryp!

Now where am I going to store all the scryp values for your old systems?

Edit: Values added.

Anyone have any idea on how much scrypt this would be worth?
Installation will be 12,900 and I want to know if it is worth it

I would say, based on my own systems I made with a slightly higher installation cost and those with much lower costs, that it will be worth 500 scrypt awarded to each who complete it. 400 for the system, 50 for beating the creator’s time, and 50 for beating the average number of pings.

My highest installation cost was roughly 16,400.

Probably not. While it’ll be worth 500, there are many systems with much lower costs and worth 500. Given that you get 10% of the cracked value, that’s 12,900/50 = a lot of effort to make it back.

Changed my home cluster. Here’s the new cluster; one that has been around for a while, now offering rewards for those who want to go back and do them again:

omega12 has updated their home cluster. You can find it here:

You can see the cost of the system in source code by searching for “data-original-cost=”
It’s probably a bug but might be useful.

I’m pretty sure the cost is just §100 per component.

Looks about right.
If each component costs §100 and you can have a max of 1111 components on the grid and 11 ports on each side, the maximum cost of a system is §16500. Clusters can have maximum of 66 systems so the most expensive home cluster would be §16500*36=§594000. So once you get around §600,000, you are set for life.

In theory you would need to complete 10 FULL clusters of maximum size to achive those money. And the owners have to do so aswell etc. But if there are at least 10 devoted players you can actually break the sistem (p1 makes a sistem worth 1k, and p2,p3,…p12 break it, getting 100+100+…+100=1100 scryp, leaving the servers with a +100 scryp. Having the possibility to create an infinite amount of clusters to permanently change in your home can result to this.)

There is also the 26500 seed money from the jobs. Since you can rotate systems without cost, you can potentially gain an infinite amount of scrypt.

I’m not sure about that. In theory, yes, that is possible. However, I’m sure Samara will catch on to what is going on and shut the whole thing down.

That is, if the clusters, after switching back to them, will award more scryp as though they were previously unawarded. If the rewards do refresh, I could see this eventually becoming a large quantity of scryp, but not infinite. It will be caught way before that happens, unless you have some devoted hackers attempting to do this 24/7 and switching every few hours or so (with some communication between the group).

((Uninstalling a system refunds its cost, so it’s possible to generate scryp by replacing systems, but they asked us not to do that.))

I managed to spoof Samsara’s code insurance servers. So for a while, we should be able to get scryp for screwing with one of their subsidiaries. I’m not sure if they’ll catch on anytime soon, but to be on the safe side, I’m only going to keep this cluster insured for two weeks. Let’s get cracking!

Here’s another one for you guys:

New Cluster from Tyrann:

Anyone feel like telling me what scrypt values they have gotten from my current home cluster?

A bit too late for me, as I did not record those values. However, Spoofed Solutions did not award me any scryp.